🧱 Svelte Cairn

Svelte Cairn is a masonry layout engine for Svelte applications. It creates dynamic, Pinterest-style grid layouts where items of varying heights are packed efficiently into columns, eliminating unwanted gaps.

Pinterest-like layout

random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image
random image

Toggle numbers to see how items are ordered in the layout. Each number shows the item's original position in the sequence.


npm install svelte-cairn


The components in their simplest form look like this:

	import Cairn from 'svelte-cairn';

	<Cairn.Item>Your content here</Cairn.Item>



The container component that manages the masonry layout. It automatically arranges child items into an optimal grid pattern based on their dimensions.


A wrapper component for individual grid items. Each piece of content in the masonry layout must be wrapped in a Cairn.Item component.


Here are some examples to help you get started:

Basic Example


Set the gap between items in the Cairn.Layout component using the gap prop.

<Cairn.Layout gap={10}>

Todo: support different gaps for columns and rows

<Cairn.Layout gap={{column: 10, row: 20}}>

Gap Interactive Example

Gap: 10

Responsive Layout

The Layout component provides an intuitive responsive design system based on its container width using ResizeObserver. Similar to mobile-first breakpoints in CSS, you can define how the layout adapts as it grows.

How It Works

The Layout component uses two types of props to control its behavior:

  1. Default props that apply at all screen sizes
  2. Breakpoint-specific props that override the defaults at specified screen widths

Breakpoints Configuration

The breakpoints prop accepts an object where:

  • Keys are numbers representing minimum container widths (in pixels)
  • Values are objects containing props to apply at that breakpoint

For example, this configuration starts with 1 column on mobile and progressively increases columns as the screen width grows:

    200: { columns: 2 },
    300: { columns: 3 },
    400: { columns: 4 },
    500: { columns: 5 },
    600: { columns: 6 },
    700: { columns: 7 },
    800: { columns: 8 }
> ... </Cairn.Layout>

Responsive Example